a pay it forward campaign sponsored by your
favorite local taco joint!
$50 Pay it Forward acts completed so far:
1) groceries purchased at the COOP & donated to the Listen Community Services Food Pantry
2) Donuts brought to the teachers & staff at Dothan Brook School
3) Pet food, supplies and toys purchased and brought to the Upper Valley Humane Society
4) $100 (in 20 $5 gift cards) worth of Dunkin' purchased for people in the drive through (thank you to Dan & Whit's in Norwich for matching our $50!
5) $100 in gas & grocery gift cards donated to W.I.S.E. (thank you to the person that found this certificate and matched our $50!)
Learn more by reading below!
The lowdown:
We're committing up to $1000 to an epic 'pay it forward'
campaign around the Upper Valley helping those in need
and also providing some general positivity. To do so, we will
be relying on YOUR participation and guidance!
We will be hiding fake $50 bills around the Upper Valley
for you to find and participate in our campaign with.
(details below)
here's how it works...
We are launching the campaign with FOUR of the $50 bills
the week of 1/11! Next is where you come in:
1) Head to TRAIL BREAK and/or ORDER online
2) TELL us or TYPE in code word: "STOKE" when you order
3) We'll put 5% of your total bill towards the fund
4) We'll let that fund grow up to $800 through the end
of MARCH, putting out two more $50 'Share the Stoke'
bills each time the total reaches another $100
> find out where the $50's might be (or have been) hidden
> see how each $50 is used
> suggest ways that the $50 could be used
> help spread the word and contribute to the cause!
THE @SHARETHESTOKE_UV instagram account
Find a $50!
Over the next few weeks, we'll be
hiding our 'Share the Stoke' $50 bills
at random locations, AND at some of our favorite local businesses,
around the Upper Valley.
So...be on the lookout next time you get
gas, hit the gym, head out for some groceries, order some food, embark on a casual shopping spree or hit the slopes
for a day outdoors!
Find one and you're on your way to
and a whole lotta karma credit in deciding
the 'pay it forward' fate of that $50!
FOUND a $50??
!! Congrats !!
1) Email us at
2) Take a picture of the bill and post
it with the hashtag: #sharethestokeUV; tag @sharethestoke_uv (if you have instagram)
3) Choose from one of the ideas
below OR suggest your own way to 'share the stoke' and we'll execute
it on your behalf
4) Bring us the $50 (or present it
when picking up your online order)
and you've got FIVE FREE TACOS
with your name on them!!
::: Stoke Spreading brainStorm :::
(suggest additional ideas through @Sharethestoke_UV or by emailing TRAIL BREAK directly)
> prepay for a few peoples' gas
> buy $50 worth of winter gloves and distribute to those that need them
> pre pay at a bunch of vending machines to treat people to some snacks
> buy 5 $10 gift cards to local restaurants and give them out randomly
> Purchase $50 worth of winter clothing from the Listen Center to donate to the Haven (win win!)
> Buy $50 worth of coffee for people in line at Dunkin Donuts
> Buy a bunch of toys/treats/food to donate to the Humane Society
> Pre pay for a bunch of candy bars at a cash out station (one per person until the money runs out)
> Send $50 worth of pizza to a school; DHMC; the VA; APD....
> Order a pizza (for someone in need) and tip the delivery driver the
rest of the $50
> Buy $50 worth of the most needed supplies for the Haven
> Buy $50 worth of food and donate to the Listen Food Shelf
> Make a bunch of cookies and distribute them to a local school's staff
> Drop off $50 worth of bulk coffee at local medical center/hospital for the crew (k-cups, ground, or bulk brewed)
> Pre pay for $50 worth of pastries at a local cafe for future guests
> Pre pay for $50 worth of beer at a local restaurant for future guests
> Buy $50 worth of free taco cards and hand them to random people
> Start a 'You're Awesome' card train (buy $50 worth of funky greeting cards, then give them to random people with instructions inside to pass along to another person they know that deserves it...to then be passed on again....)
> Got an idea? LET US KNOW:
@Sharethestoke_uv or TrailCrew@TrailBreakWRJ.com